Delta Ducky's

Guide-on is almost complete(check the picture).

Encampment Packing list

MRO packing list - this gear should be on your person or in your pack/vest
- Small notepad
- Large notepad
- 3+ pencils and pens
- Whistle
- CAPID, form 101, etc…
- Flash light with extra batteries
- Water 2 Liters (camel back or canteens will work)
- Compass
- * First Aid Kit
- Poncho
- Sunscreen
- Lipbalm
- Handkerchief or tissues
- Vest, reflective, orange
- Comb or brush (optional carry if needed)
- Mission Base Staff Task Guide
- Protractor For map work
- Map case
- Alcohol Pens
- alcohol eraser such as alcohol swabs, alcohol hand wash, etc…
- Small pocket knife

  • First Aid Kit – stored in zip lock bag or other waterproof container

- Two (2) Antiseptic cleaning pads
- Antiseptic ointment
- Six (6) band-Aids, various sizes
- Moleskin, 2″ X 4″
- Roller Bandage
- Two (2) large safety pins
- Four (4) gauze pads
- Tape, first aid
- Any personal medication
- multiple pairs of Rubber surgical gloves

Just added some SQTR's

  • MRO
  • MSA
  • CUL
  • communication-technician
  • communication-Senior
  • communication-Master


We have our guidon design and our cloth we are going to use for it(check files for guidon).
We also have several jodies to work with. Forthermore we also have an idea on how we are
going to lead the flight. All in all we are logisticly on track.

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